Creative Ways to Get Close To God: The Keeper of My Heart

In world full of comparison, success-driven goals and lack of time for self, it is absolutely imperative that we stop and take the time to get close to God. We must take time to seek the Kingdom and see ourselves through a God-filled lens.

So how do we do this?

One of the best ways is of course to get inside God’s Word so that it will get into you. What I find helpful is to also surround myself with people on my social media timelines who are God fearing, to read devotionals and to use other creative ways to spend time with the Lord.

I love all of the creative ways I’ve been able to connect with God and His Kingdom through The Bible, social media, devotionals and books. Imagine my surprise when I found out about a new book full of letters to the reader that enforce God’s love and promises.

The Keeper of My Heart The Key to Knowing Who You Truly Are by Ashley Wichlenski is a walk through God’s love for us in a unique and creative way. The Keeper of My Heart is filled with 14 letters and illustrations that affirm who you are by using God’s word.

After you have read each letter there is room for you to respond directly to God in a letter of your own. Then you can stay in His presence by coloring in the beautiful illustrated reminders of who you are in Christ.

The Keeper of My Heart is a great book for young women to find themselves and their worth in a Christ-centered way instead of through social media and societies expectations. It is also a great reminder for older women to remember who they are in Christ.

You are beautiful (Psalm 139:14). You are loved (Hosea 2:19). You are Favored (Proverbs 8.35).

Invest in your relationship with Christ by purchasing The Keeper of My Heart by Ashley Wichlenski. 

I highly recommend this book for anyone wanting a great way to remind yourself who you really are, how much God loves you and how He desires to listen to your every need.

The Keeper of My Heart: The Key to Knowing Who You Truly Are…was given to me complimentary for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
Email The Diva Inc. Magazine at [email protected] or snail mail us at: PO BOX 1353, Palo Alto, CA 94302. 

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