Hi Loves! You all rock! Your support of our blogazine and new talk show is amazing! We hope that the show blesses you and inspires you and we cannot wait to share each show with you. Episode 2 – Examine Your Relationships Part 1 is posted and we cannot wait to hear from you about […]
Unlocking the Heart of Adoption: Considering the Cost
Who knew that doing good could cost so much? I surely didn’t. Doing the work that God calls us to will cost us time, personal desires, and loads of money. That is certainly true for adoption. The average domestic adoption cost between $30,000 to $35,000, according to the latest report from Adoptive Families. But if […]
Getting Priorities Straight – God First
The evening of January 1, 2014, brought about something new for me: Crystal-Marie, editor of the Diva Diaries Blogazine, and I worked on boards – a vision board for her and what I’ll call a focus board for me. As we began wrapping up for the evening, one of the things she mentioned needing to […]