Hi Loves! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was just as busy as last weekend. If you missed last weeks post you can catch that here. This weekend I filmed the next set of shows for The Divas Circle. I cannot tell you how happy I am about the way the production went. We have a new Director, Lawrence, who is wonderful and our videographer Jamison of

JDBCreativity returned to tape the next shows. You will get to see some new faces in the next few episodes so I won’t spoil it for you. 🙂 Just know that there is much more coming. If you have not already, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel The Divas Circle. New episodes will be posted on the 10th of each month. If you have suggestions for topics we would love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected].
As you can imagine, filming is so tiring. So I went home and headed straight to bed. I woke up about 12:31AM and started to catch up on emails and posts. Then I went back to sleep only to awake a few hours later because of the 6.1 earthquake that hit the Napa area. OMG!! It was the largest earthquake I’ve been in and I was too tired to move. I told the Lord to calm the earthquake because I did not want to move and about 30 seconds later it was over. Nothing fell in my apartment and I was safe. Thank God. My prayers are with those whom this earthquake hit hard.
After getting a bit more sleep I got up and went to church. After church I caught up with my sister (who has been MIA for a while. :-)) and we went for a 3 mile walk. I’ll leave my sister nameless. LOL I officially started my exercise routine a day early!! You can read more about my goals for getting healthy in this post: My Strategy for Getting Fit. Hooray!!! I love walking with my sisters because we can catch up and get fit at the same time.