Faith Following Disappointment

Faith Following DisappointmentGiven everything that is going on with the recent election and the disappointment so many are feeling, I’ve been contemplating how to react as a Christian woman. The presidential candidate I cast my vote for didn’t win. But, I’m still an American and more importantly a child of God.

I’ve read post after post depicting the dispiritedness of some of my friends and while also reading the celebration of others. A few friends have asked that those who support our now president, Donald Trump, to unfriend them. As I silently read these posts, liked some and disagree with others, it made me want to examine my own heart. We are, if we are walking true to our faith, supposed to love everyone – Yes, everyone. Even our enemies and people who do not share our views political or otherwise.

That means even the man you didn’t vote for, you are called to love as a Christian and respect for his presidential position.

“Give to everyone what you owe him: if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; If respect, then respect; If honor, then honor.”  (Romans 13:7)

And nowhere in that verse did it say, “just give to the people you like.” It says EVERYONE.

If we are to profess our faith, let us live it out fully. I’m not saying that this is easy. In fact, it is hard to love someone that hates you or does not value you. But we are called to love.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Now I know that some of you may have found yourself exhausted recently. You are scared, weary, restless and unsure of the days ahead. I’m not telling you that you shouldn’t feel this way. I completely understand your frustration. There is absolutely a season for everything, including a time to weep (Ecclesiastes 3:1). But do not decide to plant roots in the weariness. Do not take up residence in your weeping. There is always good in the bad and a lesson to be learned in all seasons, including this one.  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

God is still God no matter who is in the White House. He is still the same God that loved and protected you before this election, and He is still the same God who loves and protects you now. Distance yourself from the need to fear the aftermath of the election or any other situation that would cause you to be dismayed. You were not given the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).

In times where people are hurting, we as believers should rise up and fervently pray that God would show Himself and cause us to unite under His banner. God is still God. You have a purpose, as you did before this election, and you will have a purpose after the next one. And God is the very person who gave you that purpose.

God is not surprised at this conclusion and He can use anything and anyone to get His glory. So as we continue with the days ahead, remember to honor our president (whether you voted for him or not), pray that God would give all of our new leaders wisdom, and remember to love others as God loves you.

And I challenge you, as I challenge myself, to use this as an opportunity to spread love and much-needed understanding. Do not continue to perpetuate hate. Let’s be set apart and on fire for Christ and His kingdom.

He reigns!

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