I love this season in my faith journey – the season of prayer + consecration (some call Lent). I’ll be honest, I didn’t always love this season. I would try to fast and failed miserably each year. But then, last year during the 40 days of prayer + consecration, I made a goal of increasing my private prayer time with the Lord and making time to pray with my church family and close friends. What a blessing this has been for me. Prayer changes things. I’ve grown so much spiritually since last year and while I pray everyday, I have been looking forward to this season coming again.
For those of you who don’t know, Prayer + Consecration (Lent), is a time of 40 days that Christians set aside to pray and fast before Easter (Resurrection Sunday). This year, my church is starting on Monday, March 6, 2017 and I am believing for great things for you and me. There is nothing too great for God.
To make it easier to track your progress during this time with God, I have created this free, simple worksheet for you to use weekly.
Daily Bible Verse – Each day that you spend time in the Word of God is a day that you grow closer in relationship with Him. Check the box for each day during the week that you spend time reading God’s word. And if you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up. This time is all about getting closer to God. You don’t have to be perfect, just be willing to make progress.
Fasting – Write down what you are fasting from each week. If you are fasting from certain foods be sure to consult your doctor and stay hydrated. If you are not fasting from foods, here are a few other things that you can fast from:
- Social Media
- Shopping (unnecessary spending)
- Fear
- Worry
- Television
- Sodas and sugary drinks
- Asian Historical Dramas (my favorite way to relax)
Replace the time you would spend on social media and television with time in the Word. Use the checkboxes to keep yourself accountable to fast from the items you listed.
Prayer – Reach out to your friends and ask them if they have specific prayer requests. You can choose to pray for one friend per day or multiple. Write down their prayer requests in this section and check off the days that you prayed over those requests.
Believe God – Write down what you are believing God for during the week/prayer + consecration season. Remember Ephesians 3:20,
“Now to Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worth in us…”
God can do all things. So don’t hesitate to pray that BIG prayer. And be prepared to receive it. God is a healer and a redeemer. He has come so that you can be saved and live life in abundance. Do not be afraid to reach up and receive the blessings of God through prayer.
If you want to follow my 40 days of Prayer + Consecration visually, scoot over to Instagram.