2012 The Year of Creating Wealthy Partnerships

Last year I asked the members of The Diva Diaries FaceBook group what their New Years Resolutions were and how they planned to keep them. One of the answers given was that instead of resolutions, this person themed their year. I thought this was an amazing idea and I as I entered into 2011, I decided I would theme my years also. Two-thousand eleven was The Year of Restoration. This was a very accurate theme for 2011 and I’m glad to say that the theme definitely fit.

While there will still be some restoration in 2012, the coming year will be a different focus. For the past 3 weeks, I’ve been analyzing last year and developing goals for 2012. This year, will concentrate on 3 things: Creating, Wealth and Partnering with the right people.


There are so many creative ideas flowing through my head at any given time that it can be difficult to concentrate and even more difficult to start and finish any of them. I know that these ideas and passions are there for a reason and 2012 will be the year that you will see some of the projects I’ve been working on manifested.

I don’t want to give too much away…lets just say 2012 will surely be a creative year.


The dictionary defines wealthy as “having a great deal of money, resources, or assets”. When most people think of what it means to be wealthy they think of money first. But wealth is much more than that. There may be seasons in your life where you have less money to give yet more time. Your time then becomes a resource that you can give to others and thus becomes your wealth. If you share this time by volunteering, mentoring, and/or teaching someone you can then spread this wealth. 

Perhaps you have less time and a plethora of business ideas. Then your ideas become your wealth and if you partner with the right people you can spread this wealth and create wealthy opportunities without sacrificing too much of your time.

Wealth is what you make it. Some of the wealthiest people are not the “richest” but the ones who understand what being wealthy really is.

Partnering with the right people

One of the greatest things about being a creative person are the ideas that we come up with. We are innovators, trailblazers, and out-of-the-box thinkers. While this is a great thing sometimes it is often a curse. There are so many ideas floating around in my head on a daily basis that it is often hard to concentrate or pick one to develop. 

I’m a firm believer that if you don’t act on your talents you will never be able to set yourself up for success. However, you can not accomplish something great without the people who can help you. What I’ve found is that there are people who are willing devote their wealth to your ideas you give them the chance.

This year is The Year of Creating Wealthy Partnerships!

What will this year be for you?


The Diva

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