Join the Consciously Beautiful I Am Enough Movement {Book Review}

Consciously Beautiful Book CoverThis Book is a page turner. Not in the thrilling, suspense type of way. But in a way that every girl, lady, young woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister needs. The way that has you reading this cover to cover in one day so that you can stay encouraged and understand that you are not alone on your journey.

This book is exactly what The Diva Inc. stands for. We aim to encourage women by sharing our stories. And this book, Consciously Beautiful I am Enough by Ardre Orie does just that. The 21 fearless women pour out their souls with you, the reader, in hopes that you are inspired and understand that every women has a story to share.

These women and young ladies are relatable. You can find a piece of you in every story. Every journey. I know I did. Regan’s story (on page 27) hit home for me with the depression and suicidal thoughts. Those of you reading, who followed my blog before it became a magazine, may know parts of my journey included depression and suicidal thoughts. I am not alone in this. Regan is not alone in this and neither are you. We must all encourage each other and realize that we are not alone. And because of this, we can unite and help each other on this journey called life.

Quote from the bookAfter each story, there is a quote from Orie and space to write down your thoughts. Each story is different but the same. You will have to read it to understand. The women come from different places and their upbringing was different. The thing that united the stories was the search for love…self-love…acceptance. Some women were still on the journey to accepting themselves and that was great to hear. So many of us are still trying to get there. Isn’t it comforting knowing you don’t have to be there yet? You can still go along this beautiful journey and enjoy the time it takes you to get there.

Melissa had a wonderful quote in her story (page 3),

“You are allowed to prejudge me. Should your judgements result in ignorance, it defines you; it does not define me.”

Where would we all be if we stopped giving the power over our self-esteem to those who do not have our best interests at heart. Those who probably do not know themselves and judge us based on their insecurities.

Mariah’s story (page 15) was also one that stood out for me. The bullying that she experienced I also experienced and going through that has shaped me into the woman I am today. When you are bullied and start letting the bully’s words become your words to yourself, it becomes a seed that seeks to destroy you. But thank God our past experiences don’t have to define our future. Thank God we can turn something that meant to destroy us into something that can give power to ourselves and others.

Thank God for being Consciously Beautiful and knowing that you are enough!

This book receives5 Pink Hearts 5 Pink Hearts from The Diva Inc.

Purchase Consciously Beautiful I Am Enough on Amazon. Follow Consciously Beautiful I AM Enough on Instagram. XOXOXO



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