Carpe Anti-Sweat Lotion Non Irritating Antiperspirant For Hands + Feet | Review I am notorious for not wearing socks. I mean, not even to the gym. If I do wear socks, it is usually on a long hike to which I haven’t been in ages. When I wear tennis shoes, I place baby powder in […]
Everything 5 Pounds Plus-Sized Clothing Haul
Can you buy quality clothes for less than $6USD? Absolutely, from Everything 5 Pounds! Watch my new Plus-sized Clothing Haul from Everything 5 Pounds and see some of the awesome apparel and shoes they sent me to share with you loves. *Spoiler Alert* I am very impressed with the quality of items (I picked out […]
The Rodial Road To Overnight Success
Can I be honest? I’ve been having a lack of motivation lately. I’m really not sure where this lack of motivation came from. I’m in a really happy space in life. It’s a pretty good season and I’ve had some really good wins lately. But still when it comes down to it, I didn’t have […]