Bloggers, influencers and lovers of fun everywhere have been going gaga over the Museum of Ice Cream LA on social media. The Museum exhibit opened in April and sold out shortly after ticket sales were announced. Then, because God loves us, they opened up more tickets in late April and extended the exhibit dates. At […]
Planning 101: What You Need To Get Started
I absolutely adore being intentional with my life and planners are one of the greatest tools to help me do just that. There is something to be said about actually writing down your to-do lists, goals and agenda inside a planner. Writing them down, in my opinion, instead of just putting them in a digital […]
Baby Soft Feet for Summer
OMG! I was scrolling on Instagram per usual when I came across this product called BabyFoot. It caught my attention because I’ve always had rough feet. I LOVE to walk barefoot around the house and grew up wearing flip-flops in Florida. Not to mention what walking on the beach barefoot can do to your feet […]