What is your Legacy?

I attended a funeral this week. It was the death of my Sorority sisters, mother. As I sat there and listened to the pastor, family and friends speak about MaDear and her character, I began to think about my own. 

MaDear was a soft spoken lady who was very caring and always kind to me when I attended family functions. It was apparent by everyone in the room that she would be missed. But more so apparent was the legacy that she was leaving behind. She was considered the matriarch of her family and had raised her children well. One lady summed it up by saying something like, when you walk with integrity, your children will live in prosperity.

I’ve attended a few funerals in my lifetime (I really don’t like to go) but each time I find myself thinking, “What will people say about me at my funeral. What type of legacy do I want to leave?”

Right now, I feel as though I am alive and not living. While I am for better, I’ve let my circumstanced dictate my happiness. I want to live and leave a legacy that my family now and in the future will appreciate. I understand that one must take life one day at a time, sometimes moment to moment or season to season but we really should be looking toward the legacy we will leave for the next generation.


The Diva

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